Wednesday 5 October 2016

through, along, in, off, over, across, around, under, up, down, into, back, after, on, onto, below

One day a girl was walking …through……………. the forest when she met a boy. “Hello” she said “What’s your name?” she asked. “My name is Bob” he replied. Suddenly a huge dinosaur came…along…………. The dinosaur grabbed the boy. “Ha, ha, ha. I am going to eat you” said the dinosaur”. “Let him go!” said the girl. “You cannot stop me, little girl. I am a dinosaur. Only the magic sword of Wimble Bimble can stop me.” “Where is the magic sword of Wimble Bimble?” asked the girl. “It’s in….. a cave in the big mountain” shouted the boy. So the girl set …off……to find the sword. She went …along…………the road, …over………….. the fence, …across……….the field, …over………. the fence, through…………. the tunnel, …around…………..the farm, ……on…………. the little bridge, …over……… the big bridge, …up…………….. the hill, …down…………… the hill, ……in… the dark forest and …into………. the cave. She found the magic sword and came and killed the dragon. And the girl and the boy lived happily ever after……..

Monday 3 October 2016

Based on the story that was shared with you earlier regarding my experience with the restaurant manager’s rude remarks, write an email to the headquarters to complain about the manager’s attitude.

Make sure to include the following information:

Brief background on the scenario;
What your reaction was;
What the manager’s reaction was;
What you request for a disciplinary action or a fair way to solve that problem.

Dear Sir
I am writing this E-mail regarding bad experience at ABC restaurant. 
I am one of the regular customers of your ABC restaurant. I ordered some food in that restaurant last week. I received a bag of "Lobster", but when I opened it to eat that was empty shell, it had no meat inside. I was surprised. I went there with that bag and I tried to complain about it to manager, but his attitude readdy insulted me. I read some bad reviews on your site. Anyway, I hope I could get my refund.
Thank you 

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Making Arrangements on the Phone
Can you say GRRRRR?
      A-  Listen to a dialogue between a travel agent and a caller. Underline True or False.

1.The caller didn’t want to book the flight online because the flights were quoted in American dollars.                                                                    T F
2.The caller says he wouldn’t mind a stopover in New York.                    T F
3.The flight is returning on October 7.                                                   T F
4.The flight from New York leaves from JFK airport.                              T F
5.The cheaper flight has two stopovers.                                                   T F
6.The caller has a seating preference.                                                      T F
7.The travel agent will send José an email outlining all the travel
arrangements.                                                                                       T F
8.The travel agent will send the tickets by email.                                              T F
     B-  Complete the sentences below with words or phrases used in the dialogue.
1.To arrange a flight is to                                                             
2.Another term for a non-stop flight is more expensive                                                   
3.To have a seating preference means "you can select your seat."                                                    
4.If a flight goes directly to its destination, it means there are non-stop              
5.To send something electronically means to send it by E-mail or electronic medium such as a hard disk or USB.
      C-  Imagine that you are José. Listen to the dialogue again and take notes about the two travel options. Send an email message to your friend at work to tell her about the two options and ask her which one she would prefer.

j      Hi Jodh,
        What's going on dear? You were asking me about air tickets, I clarify about that, I am going to tell you about the two options first one is non-stop flight Canada to India. It is quite expensive approximately C$1000, but it is direct Toronto to Amritsar and they have a seating preference. Another is cheaper flight, ticket is just C$600. it has two stopovers first one is in England for five hours and another one in New Delhi for three hours. You will decide now which one is good for you and let me know if you want then I will book it for you.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

 Task 3:

Click on this link and record a voice message to a friend to invite him/her for lunch over at your house or at a restaurant that you would recommend.  

Make sure to provide clear information on the reason of the invite and also the date, time, location, and detailed directios how to reach the place you have proposed.

Automated Voice Menus

A telephone voice menu is a set of options a caller can choose from, usually by pressing a number on the telephone. Voice menus are commonly used by large organizations to help their clients access the information they need easily. Listening to automated telephone voice menus can be difficult when several options are presented. If you have trouble understanding the options, try pressing “0.” Sometimes, this will connect you to a person who can help you. If you don’t reach a live person, try replaying the menu options a few times to become familiar with them.
Task 1:
Listen to a recorded voice menu system for a library. Write down the number you need to press to accomplish the following.

Press #
1. You would like to find out if a book is available at the library.


2. You would like to ask the librarian if you could book a room for a workshop.


3. You would like to put a book on hold.


4. You would like information about the location of the library and its hours.


5. You would like to renew a book.


6. You left your gloves in the library and want to find out if someone turned them in.


7. You want to know the library’s website address.


Task 2:
Listen to the recording again. You would like information about special services at the library. Write the sub-menu option number you need to press to accomplish the following.

Press #
1. You would like information about the language learning center.


2. You would like to sign up for an Internet training course.


3. You need information about the picture and video collection at the library.


1.What is the library’s address? 

234 first street.

2.What are the hours of operation on weekdays? 

Friday = 9:30am-5:30pm

Saturday = 9:30am-5:00pm

Sunday = 1:30pm-5:00pm 

3.What is the library’s Internet address?

Monday 26 September 2016

Based on our theme "Social Interactions," write a two-three paragraph reflection on the above picture.
Make sure to include the following thoughts:
·                     Describe the picture;
·                     What do you think the painter want to say?
·                     What do you personally think it is?
·                     Give a title to that drawing.

Title: Computer Addicted

This picture describes how people are addicted to computers and Internet. The Internet is most important in human life, they need it everywhere they go (like on workplace, at home, during travelling like on the cell phone.) I think the painter wants to say that everyone depends on it and personal conversation is going to decrease day by day.
People like to show their feelings on social media sites like facebook, twitter etc. Personal life and business like also depends on it.

Ex: mostly people like to do work at home on internet, if they need to talk with anyone then they will send E-mail. They will not phone even if they want to talk to friends or family member they will send texts to each-others, no phone no meeting.
It is helpful but the other hand people have no attachment to each other.

Listening Practice

Listen to that video and then answer the following activities:
Listen to the speakers describing their favourite things and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

1. Preparation: matching

Do this exercise before you listen. Match the verb with the correct noun and write a – g next to the numbers 1 – 7.

1…e….. take                                                                                a. a designer
2…g….. listen to                                                                         b. your scooter
3…d….. watch                                                                             c. a business
4…f….. stroke (= move your hand gently over something)       d. films
5…b….. park                                                                                e. photos
6…a….. make it as (= be successful as)                                f. the cat
7…c….. set up (= start)                                                              g. music

2. Check your understanding: matching

Match the speakers with their favourite things. Write a – e next to the numbers 1 – 5.

1…a….. Speaker                   A a. a tablet
2…e….. Speaker                   B b. a sewing machine
3…c….. Speaker                   C c. a scooter
4…b….. Speaker                   D d. a set of knives
5…d….. Speaker                   E e. a cat

3. Check your understanding: gap fill

Do this exercise while you listen. Write the word to fill the gaps.
A. My favourite thing has to be my new tablet. It’s really light and quite __small___________, so I take it with me everywhere. I’m always writing to friends and it’s big enough to do college work on it too. It takes really good __Photos___________, and I play games and listen to __Music___________ on it as well, of course. I often download __films___________ onto it, and watch them in __bed___________. My mum says I’m __addicted___________, because I’m always on it. I even read things on it at breakfast time. I’m not allowed to at _dinner____________ time, though. I have to be _polite__________ and talk to people then. “Welcome back to real life,” my mum says.

B. My favourite thing? Does my __cat___________ count as a thing? She’s not really a thing, but anyway. She’s a really __beautiful___________ little cat. I’ve had her since she was _formal___________ months old. You know how some cats are really __independent___________ and hardly talk to you? I know cats don’t really talk, but you know what I mean. Well, she’s not like that at all. She’s really ___affectionate ____________ and comes up to me as soon as I get home, purring away like mad. She makes a lot of __noise___________ for a tiny thing. She loves being stroked and comes and curls up next to me when I’m on the __sofa___________. She’s great __companion___________.

C. My new scooter! It’s quite small, but _fun____________, and just what I needed for getting around the __city___________. I used to have quite a long walk to the __metro___________, then a longish walk at the other end to get to __college___________. But now I can just whiz there on my __scooter___________. And there’s no problem parking, there’s always __space ___________ for it. You have to be _careful____________ with the cars and _truck____________ – they don’t always see you – and when it rains the surface of the road is _terrivle____________, it gets really slippery. But in general it’s perfect for me, and I can fit a __friend___________ on the back too – I’ve got an extra __helmet___________ for a friend. It’s great. Riding along makes me feel so free.

D. This might sound a bit old-fashioned, but my sewing _machine____________ is my favourite thing. I’m studying __fashion___________ and love making things, as well as designing them. I also love _clothsing____________ myself and often buy second-hand clothes – everyone loves the “vintage” __looked___________ at the moment – and then I adapt them to my __size___________. It’s much easier using a machine to do that than doing it by ___hands__________. I do alterations for my mum and my sister too. If I don’t make it as a _designer____________, I suppose I can always set up my own alterations and customising _business____________. Customising clothes, by taking things off and adding things on, is actually very __creative ___________, so I wouldn’t mind that.

E. My set of Japanese knives. That sounds a bit sinister, doesn’t it, but I’m not a __majar ___________ or anything. They’re chef’s knives and the best ones come from ___Japan__________. Cooking is my new hobby. I got into it when I started watching Masterchef on TV. Then I went to an evening _class____________ for
beginners, and I haven’t looked back since. I try and have a _dinner____________ for between four and eight__friends___________ every two or three __weeks___________. That gives me something to work towards and I
always do new __dishes___________ so they can try them out and give me feedback. It’s quite an_expensive____________ hobby if you use good __ingredients___________, but now my friends help towards the___cost__________. They still get a good __meal___________ for a very low price.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Job Interviews

Task 1: Watch this video and answer the following questions. 

      1. Match the words with their definitions.
1  commit
do everything to achieve a task within a time frame  4
2  prompting
  make/obligate   1
3    specifics
details to the point  3
      4     goal-oriented
 support with examples  5
               5     back something up
encouraging  2

 2. What is the main advice that the presenter has mentioned

  •  You have to say something specifics with examples, like I am a goal oriented person. I am confident 10 % and I successfully reached another 90 % of these goals.

Task 2:  Watch this video and answer the following questions. Underline the most suitable expressions from a), b) and c).

1. As an answer to the first question, which of the following three that the   interviewee does not do?
a)  She says that she has five years’ experience in administration and two
years in phone sales.
b)  She focuses much on her personal life, her studies and enthusiasm in
 c)  She says that her strengths lie in advance computer skills and excellent
     customer service.

 2.  According to the second question that the interviewer asks, you should
a   a) have researched on the company's history and its products before
      going to the interview.

     b)   do a research on the company and the job details immediately after the
            job interview.   

c)  apologize for not being able to do any research.

    3. According to the interviewer, the interviewee
      a)    impressed him by revealing her truly personal weaknesses.

      b)   explained really well her suitability to the role that she had applied for.

      c)    told him her grave personal weakness and then developed from negative to positive.

    4.  Write down five new words and put them in sentences from your own.

  1.          administration :    She has a degree in business administration.
  2.          enthusiasm  : ( energy) The party supported its candidate with enthusiasm.
  3.         revealing :        He was revealing his personal experience.
            4.    Daunting :   
            5. people person :  
