Wednesday 5 October 2016

through, along, in, off, over, across, around, under, up, down, into, back, after, on, onto, below

One day a girl was walking …through……………. the forest when she met a boy. “Hello” she said “What’s your name?” she asked. “My name is Bob” he replied. Suddenly a huge dinosaur came…along…………. The dinosaur grabbed the boy. “Ha, ha, ha. I am going to eat you” said the dinosaur”. “Let him go!” said the girl. “You cannot stop me, little girl. I am a dinosaur. Only the magic sword of Wimble Bimble can stop me.” “Where is the magic sword of Wimble Bimble?” asked the girl. “It’s in….. a cave in the big mountain” shouted the boy. So the girl set …off……to find the sword. She went …along…………the road, …over………….. the fence, …across……….the field, …over………. the fence, through…………. the tunnel, …around…………..the farm, ……on…………. the little bridge, …over……… the big bridge, …up…………….. the hill, …down…………… the hill, ……in… the dark forest and …into………. the cave. She found the magic sword and came and killed the dragon. And the girl and the boy lived happily ever after……..

Monday 3 October 2016

Based on the story that was shared with you earlier regarding my experience with the restaurant manager’s rude remarks, write an email to the headquarters to complain about the manager’s attitude.

Make sure to include the following information:

Brief background on the scenario;
What your reaction was;
What the manager’s reaction was;
What you request for a disciplinary action or a fair way to solve that problem.

Dear Sir
I am writing this E-mail regarding bad experience at ABC restaurant. 
I am one of the regular customers of your ABC restaurant. I ordered some food in that restaurant last week. I received a bag of "Lobster", but when I opened it to eat that was empty shell, it had no meat inside. I was surprised. I went there with that bag and I tried to complain about it to manager, but his attitude readdy insulted me. I read some bad reviews on your site. Anyway, I hope I could get my refund.
Thank you